
dimanche 7 février 2016

Dangereux antidépresseur

On ne serait pas sûr que les antidépresseurs sont efficaces. En revanche, on aurait remarqué quelques effets secondaires curieux : ils pousseraient au suicide et susciteraient des comportements agressifs. 

Ce seraient les études cliniques qui le diraient. Mais elles n'auraient pas été communiquées au public. 
Taken together with other research that raises questions about the pros and cons of this class of drugs—including studies that suggest antidepressants are only marginally better than placebos—some experts say it is time to reevaluate. “My view is that we really don't have good enough evidence that antidepressants are effective and we have increasing evidence that they can be harmful,” Moncrieff says. “So we need to go into reverse and stop this increasing trend of prescribing [them].”(L'article.)

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