
mardi 24 mars 2020

L'Angleterre nationalise

Mme Thatcher doit passer un mauvais moment. Ses descendants, les conservateurs britanniques, nationalisent les compagnies ferroviaires !

Enseignement : l'Etat, c'est à dire la société (nous), est l'assureur de dernier recours de l'entreprise. La société est une assurance, autrement dit.

Faut-il affirmer, avec l'économiste Frank Knight, que c'est l'assureur en dernier recours qui possède une société ?

 (Le Financial Times :
The British government has suspended the UK rail franchise system in a move that effectively nationalises any losses by railway companies for the next six months — in the latest sign of how the coronavirus pandemic is blighting the economy. The Department for Transport announced on Monday morning that it would temporarily end normal franchise agreements and transfer all revenue and cost risk to the government for at least half a year. Operators will continue to run services day-to-day for a small management fee under an “emergency measures agreement”, it said.)

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