
mardi 30 novembre 2021

Modeste Espagnol

Discrète Espagne, championne de la vaccination, sans recours à la contrainte !, mais qui ne s'en vante pas...

Pourquoi ? 

  • Un terrain favorable : pas d'indisposition vis-à-vis du vaccin, confiance dans l'Etat, et un secteur de la santé proche de ses patients. 
  • Le respect de toutes les opinions. 

Quand on se refuse d'imposer, on devient intelligent ?

L'article de, de mardi dernier : 

Secret to success: So why has Spain succeeded in vaccinating so many, without having to impose restrictions on the unjabbed? Illa said it had a lot to do with public trust — in the state and in vaccines. “In the case of Spain, there is a culture in favor of [all] vaccines that has been worked very hard on for years.” He also revealed that internal health ministry data showed “those regions with stronger primary health care” had higher vaccination rates and a more effective COVID response — probably because GPs and local health centers were able to contact each patient directly. 

Facts over feelings: Illa said it was important for leaders to be clear about the scientific evidence in favor of vaccines, which “is overwhelming.” While politicians should “respect people who do not see it that way,” they should also tell skeptics “they are wrong.” Good luck, as they say, with that.

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