jeudi 28 avril 2022

Vert allemand

Qui l'eut dit ? Qui l'eut cru ? Le Vert allemand est le champion de la libération de l'Ukraine. 

Grand théorème du changement et de l'anti déterminisme : c'est la crise qui révèle la nature de l'homme ? Et la nature du Vert allemand n'est pas celle que l'on croyait ? 

Question : quelle est celle du Vert français ? En tous cas, soit il n'a pas été touché par la crise, soit le Vert est vide ?

(Politico Allemagne : "GREENS ON THE RISE AGAIN: Seven months after a botched general election (...) the party seems to have found a new role as the über-hawks in Scholz’s coalition government. While Scholz is still hesitant to send tanks to Ukraine, it’s the Greens, out of all parties, that are pushing the strongest to extend Germany’s military help to Kyiv. 

Coming a long way: The Greens’ embrace of military power to fight Russia marks another chapter in a decades-long journey away from the pacifism that was once a central part of their identity. Remarkably, even Anton Hofreiter, the leading politician of the party’s traditionally more pacifistic left wing, not only supports supplying Ukraine with heavier weapons but is actually the strongest proponent of such a move. 

It plays well in the polls: Not only have the Greens’ Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck and Baerbock, now foreign minister, managed to become the most popular politicians in Germany, but the party’s popularity has also increased in nationwide polls.")  

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